Friday, October 28, 2011

Travellers admit they 'smuggle' liquids

More than a quarter of travellers admit they've smuggled liquids through airport security, either accidentally or in full knowledge they were breaking the rules.

Almost 1,000 people responded to a survey by European travel website Skyscanner.

Nearly half (42%) said the current legislation, which allows passengers to carry only 100 ml of most liquids in their carry-on luggage, is too restrictive, with 18% complaining that different airports seem to have different rules and that the regulations should be standardized.

Four percent of respondents admitted they knew the rules but purposely snuck liquids through - and got away with it.

The "100 ml rule" came into effect in 2006 after a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives on flights from the U.K. to Canada and the U.S. was discovered.