1. Calculate the costs: All airlines charge different rates for transporting a pet. Cheapflights recommends looking for pet-friendly flights with smaller airlines, as they often charge less for your pet’s flight.
2. Call the airline: Check the website of the airline you’re flying with for rules on crate sizes and to see if there is a limit on how many pets can fly in the cabin, but be sure to call and confirm all rules and regulations over the phone.
3. Rehearse at home: Will your pet get nervous at 35,000 feet in the air? Cheapflights recommends taking your pet on subways, trains or buses to familiarize them with a public form of transportation.
4. Visit the vet: Your vet can provide you with a travel first-aid kit designed for pets should any emergencies strike while travelling. Vets can also certify that your pet is healthy and provide medical certificates for airlines that require one.
5. Prepare the kennel: Cheapflights recommends investing in a carry crate that allows pets room to stand and turn around. Food and water dishes, bedding and "live animal" stickers for the crate are also recommended.
6. Use ID tags: Attach proper identification to your animal’s collar and crate. This should include your flight information.
7. Exercise the day before: Cheapflights suggests treating your pet to extra exercise the day before travel. A tired pet will ensure a more relaxing flight for all.
8. Pack food and water: Make sure to offer pets food and water before checking-in for your flight.
9. Avoid food after check-in: While you should make sure pets are hydrated and fed, make sure you leave enough time for food to settle before take off. Queasy pets do not travel well.
10. Prepare for anything! Don’t lose your cool if you find your flight delayed, your cat sick or a mess in the dog crate after landing.